Alumni News -- Page Displayed: A - Page 1
Available Pages: A-pg1
Firstname [Maiden] Lastname -- {Nickname,if any}
- Sports:
Text on alumni’s sport event or honor information. Source:
newspaper date
- Edu:
Text on alumni’s education after high school information.
Source: newspaper date
- Profile:
Text on alumni’s after high school information. If any,
Alumni Email Address is and Alumni had
children/grandchildren. Alumni worked at xxxxxxx company. Alumni volunteered at xxxxxxxxx.
Source: alumni/classmate date
- Military:
Text on alumni’s military after or during high school information.
Source: newspaper date
- died at age 00 yrs, if dead.
Obit Information
Source: Newspaper and Date or a link where article can be found so it can be read in full, if
Firstname [Maiden] Lastname -- {Nickname,if any}
- died at age 00 yrs, if dead.
Text on alumni’s obit that includes: sport, business, children, grandchildren,
spouse, etc. Newspaper and Date or a link where article can be found so it can be read in full, if